
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Runner Release 3.0.21    

Container Runner:

  • Support the user key in the docker executor configuration. This allows you to execute task-agent with a different user than the image’s default. Due to limitations of the Kubernetes API, this feature has some caveats:
    • This key is only supported on the primary container. Service containers will continue to run as the default user.
    • Some user environment variables, such as $PATH, may be reset.
  • Further reduction in the memory footprint of Container Runner. This includes a fix for a memory leak that could cause the container-agent Pod to use excess memory and unexpectedly crash under certain workloads.
  • Fix for a bug that caused tokens for private AWS ECR images to be cached beyond their expiry, potentially causing image pull errors.

Both Machine and Container Runner:

  • Optimize the download and storage caching of new task agent versions.

Introduced an Evals Orb to orchestrate LLM evaluations    

The official CircleCI Evals Orb makes it easy to integrate LLM evaluations into a CI pipeline, and to review evaluation results without context switching. The output of evaluations run through the Evals Orb is stored in CircleCI, and is accessible as a job artifact and as a PR comment added automatically by CircleCI.

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Server 4.5.0    

Before upgrading

See the CircleCI server 4.5 release notes and upgrade guide for this release.

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Updated copy for email invitation    

The copy in the email that a user receives when being invited to an organization that integrates with CircleCI’s GitHub App or GitLab has been updated for clarity.

Favicon fixed for CircleCI Web App    

The favicon for CircleCI’s web app should now always render a CircleCI icon.

Auto-Cancel Redundant Workflows for GitHub App projects    

Projects integrated through GitHub App now support Auto-Cancel Redundant Workflows.

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Improved error experience when creating a project    

Previously, when users tried to connect their VCS with a GitHub account that was already linked to a separate CircleCI account, they would encounter a status 500 error. This would manifest in the CircleCI UI as an inability to list repositories on the form to create a project and the screen appeared frozen. Users that run into this scenario will now no longer see a frozen screen and instead be redirected to a page where they see an error message telling them remediation steps.

Hide Insights link when there is no data    

Return users to their previous step if they leave during setup and come back later    

If a user stops the onboarding process at either the onboarding survey, the “Connect Code” page, or the “Create Project” page; when they return back to CircleCI they will resume at the step where they stopped instead of starting again from the first step in the flow.

Removed support for Release Agent versions older than v1.0.0    

We have removed support for Release Agent versions older than v1.0.0. Users who haven’t updated their agent will no longer see their components or releases in the UI until they upgrade to the latest version.

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